Mini Panic Attack

Well, crap! I am really freaking out right now. I am sure (hopefully) I am overreacting, but still…

So, today at work I was hit/pushed in the stomach a few times by a very upset student. Naturally I was a little concerned. Actually, I didn’t think anything about it at first until my principal stepped in and said, “you can’t deal with this situation right now, you are trying to have a baby”. Then it clicked. I feel like a terrible person for not even thinking about it…. I am having slight cramping right now, but I can’t say that I wasn’t having those before because I have been cramping on and off since the IUI. Should I be concerned? My IUI was on Friday. So implantation should be happening sometime soon. I emailed the doctor, but haven’t hear anything back from him yet.

AHHHHHH… Anyone been through a similar situation?


Good morning! So, yesterday was my first full day on Progesterone. I inserted it (gross) for the first time on Sunday night and went straight to sleep afterwards. When I woke up yesterday morning I was a bit concerned because I didn’t have any discharge or any of the other horrible symptoms that I read about on Dr. Google. Naturally I emailed my doctor who I am sure gets a good kick out of my ridiculous emails. He told me to keep doing what I was doing and don’t be concerned. He also told me to stay away from the devil (Google) again. Later that morning I had some slight cramping on my lower left side, this cramping has been on and off yesterday and today. The cramping is also in the area where I had severe cramping after the IUI. Interesting, right? The cramping is very minimal though and isn’t too painful. Nothing like the cramping after the IUI, holy hell did that hurt! I have had a few side effects. I have been very hot, generally I am hot so I didn’t think too much of this. My appetite has been lacking and nothing tasted so great yesterday, and I was a little out of it yesterday. Other than that all is well!







I haven’t updated in a while. I’m not sure why, but I distanced myself from the infertility world for a little bit. It could possibly be because I was so obsessed with it that it consumed my entire life and was all that I could focus on… I was turning in to a depressed mental case which was the exact opposite of where I wanted to be. So, I took a break, I gathered my thoughts, and I’m back not feeling sorry for myself.

Elijah and I have been going back and forth as to when would be a convenient time for us to go forward with our first IUI. We were going to wait until the summer for convenience purposed, but decided to just jump in head first now..why not, right?! I called the clinic on Friday (CD1) and they had me come in today (CD5) for an ultrasound. They also gave me my Clomid (100MG) which I started today and then I will have the rest of my medication shipped to me. They will be shipping Follistim, Ovidrel, and Progesterone…. Injectables, yay! =/ I’m really nervous about those. Luckily my hubby was able to leave work for a few hours to come to the clinic with me. He’ll be in charge of the injectables, it’s only fair.

Our next steps…..

We have our follow up ultrasound on Monday the 5th. They’ll scan our follies (i’d love for there to be more than one) and tell us when we should do our trigger. They are anticipating doing the IUI on Wednesday or Thursday. I’m really hoping for Tuesday or Wednesday though.

I am BEYOND nervous about this entire experience. I am excited beyond belief and filled with an array of emotions that are so hard to explain. I just hope this works for us…. Prayers are greatly appreciated.