The end is near…

As I near the end of my TWW I am flooded with an enormous amount of emotions. I never knew how effected I would be by this entire experience. It has taken a lot out of me not to test early, but I followed the doctors directions (suprisingly) and I haven’t! I go in bright and early tomorrow for my Beta, but they told us not to expect to hear anything until after 4… holy hell! Talk about a day of worrying. I’ve decided to go back to work and keep myself busy instead of taking the day off. E has also decided that he would like for me to find out when they call and then just share the news with him. I am excited and nervous about doing this. I am excited because if I AM pregnant then I could go buy a cute little suprise gift for him. If I am NOT pregnant then I’ll have to take the bad news alone and probably wallow in my own tears for the night. 

I think I am ok regardless of the outcome. I don’t have my expectations set too high, but naturally I am so hopeful that it will be positive!

On a positive note I am no longer having the terrible AF like cramps that I was experiencing earlier in the week and I sitll haven’t started AF. This could be due to the progesterone though. 

Prayers and baby dust for everyone!

16 thoughts on “The end is near…

  1. Good luck tomorrow, I hope you get your BFP!! If you’re not pregnant the progesterone will keep you from stating AF… won’t come until you stop taking the progesterone….but let’s hope you ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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